I'm losing the weight i wanted and have about 4 lbs left to go!!!
And it'll be a total of 12 lbs I think!
Thens there is my Coughing,,,
I did finally go to the doctors a week ago!!
And he FINALLY gave me something I know works,,,,
Prednisolone steroids Cortisone!!
Took it a few years ago and I didn't need my inhaler for ages!!!!
Like 5 years!?!
So keep your fingers crossed that it'll work this time!!!
Cuz I'm so sick of coughing my body aches!!!!
altho it could be one of the details of me losing weight,,
Well then lets see if i can think of something else to write about,,,
I chucked the christmas tree out yesterday after I woke up
after 10 hrs of work!!!
It started to smell bad from the water thingy!!!
and low and behold,,,,
there were no needles left on the branches when it went out the door,,,

(I'll have ya know,, Hubby bought it this year!)
but now its gone,,Looked out the window and there is a trail
of pine needles all the way to the edge of the woods!!!
And the air coming out of the vacuum smells pretty good!!
Ok then,, I'm off almost a week now and plan on enjoying it!!!
Hard to walk outside as it has gotten very slippery ,,,
we have had some warmer weather with rain

A 10 minute ride home yesterday morning from work too almost 40 minutes!!
40km and hr on a 100km and hr highway,,,
good thing I was pretty much the only one out on an early Sunday morning!!!
Todays plan???
Got none!!!
Have a good day,,,,
Julen är utslängd här också, inga nyårslöften har jag gett. Har idag kraftig blåst och varmgrader vilket jag ser som positivt för då kanske en del av snön försvinner.. är bara sååå trött på den :(
SvaraRaderaHåller tummarna för att det ska fungera med medicinen du fått så du slipper den elaka hostan..
Var rädd om dig nu och ha det så gott du kan..
Varma Kramar sänder jag ner till dig / Bätthan
SvaraRaderaKikar in och ger dig en bamse kram och hoppas på att du mår bättre!