onsdag 27 april 2011

I'm back after a Great Easter!!!

Good morning!!!
Hope your Easter was Terrific!!

We had the most beautiful weather!!! And alot of Riding with the new bike!!!
We took a ride to Öland to visit som friends that really wanted to see the new bike!!

Had a great day!!
We took off early in the morning(8;30 am) and rode and rode and then we stopped
had some coffee and a coffeeroll, called our friends and told them we were on our wayand got directions to where they were,,,got there(around11am) and got Greeted with open arms and a nice cup of coffee and a sandwich for lunch,,alot of chatting and dicsussions about the new bike, then all of a sudden it was late afternoon and the ladies had fixed dinner,,,
We had a nice dinner and more chatting,

the weather was beautiful we sat outside and ate.

Then after a while and a last cup of coffee we said our

"thank you"'s ,HUGS allround then took off for home again,,

it was 7Pm by the time we got back!!!

we saw

alot of these pretty flowers in the woods along the road there,,

we call them "Vitsippor" here but i found a translation,,
wood anemone

on wikipedia,, the woods are full of them!!

Its so white you would think there was still snow in the woods !!

there is a blue kind too,,,


So that was our weekend Easter is a 5 day weekend over here.

I have been off from work most of the time and have enjoyed every minute of it!!!

Tonight we are booking our tickets to the States for sept 8th-29th...Excited!! Will be seeing lot of my classmates again after goodness how many years!!
Work again from tomorrow night until sunday am,,may get a ride in on sunday as its a holiday here!!

Have a good week and keep in touch!!


tisdag 19 april 2011

Picking the Harley Up

Up on Thursday,, leaving home about 8:30am our time

The weather is going to be warm and sunny!!

I'll be driving behind Hubby in the car and his brother beside him on his Motorcycle,

his wife hopefully will be riding beside me in the car!!!

Want to wish all



måndag 11 april 2011

Tuesday morning!!!

Well folks here I am after a weekend of work,

one day off and back again tomorrow!

for 2 nights of work then off for the weekend

and hopefully we can pick up the new bike on Friday!!!

I can't wait!!
Altho,, hubby and brother in law will have to go by themselves,

I'll be sleeping!

So hopefully they will be home by the time I wake up!

Yesterday wa a beautiful day,,

21.9 C and sunshine!

Warmer than usual!! but who is complaining??

Plans for today;

Cleaning out a flower bed,, I see all the mini dafodils are trying to come through the leaves, Love them!! Planted a couple of pots of them yesterday out in the flower bed, thats when i realized how much i need to do out there,,

Hubby did all the raking this weekend so I don't even have to think about that!!

Just the one flower bed!!

The try and get shopping done tomorrow and clean the house up some,, before the weekend so i won't have to think about that!!

And maybe the weekend will bring us beautiful weather so we can take a ride on the new bike!!

So folks have a good day and I'll let ya know how things work out!! I am going for my walk before the rain comes!!


fredag 8 april 2011


I don't know why I haven't written a blog for ages!!

Just haven't had the energy to do much of anything,,

i haven't been much on face book either!!

Hopefully when Motorcycle season starts I'll have alot more to write about!!

Winter here has been extremely long, Hate long cold winters!!!!Have been doing well at weight watchers too

Have lost 18 pounds so far and its great!!! I feel wonderful!!

Gotta get a new pair of skins,, the ones i have are WAY to BIG!!!

All we have to do is pick out new Harley up and the season can begin!!

Its a 2010 hasn't been driven at all,
hopefully we can pick it up in a week or so!

Depends on the weather too!!

Can't wait for the warmth either,,,
I have been having alot of goes against Bronchitis and I haven't quite won yet,,
I can't keep taking antibiotics and prednesone

so I'll just have to wait till it gets sunny and

warm again and keep taking my inhalers,,,I hate them!!
And as stubborn as I am I'll be fine!!!

And as for the trip to the US ,,

it'll be on September 8th and back this way the 29th,

won't be in Sweden till the 30th.

So heres to hoping to see alot of my family and FRIENDS!!!

HUGS and Love to all!!!!