tisdag 5 juli 2011

Been a long time I KNOW!!

I just haven't had the umph to write anything!!
We have been out riding some,,
 and making plans for our vacation and our trip this fall too!!!

  This is a gathering we were at last week!!
Summer came all at once and we have had some HOT days and
some rain too,,
Got worried last week when we got news that there were floods in Norway,,
the winter snows were melting and it was raining and there was nowhere for it to go,,,
so it looks like we have to take another route,,,
we have booked rooms for the 6 of us at the border.

Hubby and I went to Eriksberg wildlife park the other day,, we didn't see alot of animals but i did get to see my favorite,,,

 Cousin Bison,,, the European Bison
Handsome Huh??

and the beautiful lily pads

and the wee Lil wild bores!!

So now ya know we are alive here and ther will be further reports!!!
and pictures from Norway I promise!!

Big hugs!!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Underbara bilder :) Glad du tycker om vad jag gjort!

  2. Ja varför sitta vid datorn när du kan njuta av livet utomhus :0)

  3. Så fint du fått det här inne, trodde nästan jag kommit fel ;)
    Den där stora Bisonoxen skulle jag inte vilja stöta på i skogen och ingen annanstans heller ;)
    Fina bilder var det iaf.
    Ha det så gott och ta det försiktigt när ni är ute och åker..
    SommarKramar till dig kära vän / B

  4. Ja Eriksberg e våran favvo... många tripper dit e ju nära å bra... å så mysigt...

    Hoppas allt e bra
    PS: vi blir snart grannar ju WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    /Marie /fotbollsfru


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