I know its been a while!!!
Whats been going on...well A trip to the states(in Sept)
and visiting with mom and the gang!!
Got to see a few of my old classmates too!!
That was fun!! Really!!
Lots of good food and lots of
Since we got back
I have a new Schedule at work and
I do love working nights and sleeping during the day
That is the good stuff oh ya one more thing,,,
I have been going to weight watchers for about a year,,(no hurry)
and have lost about 18 pounds(ca 10 kg)
Luv it and have been a member for what almost17 years!!
But haven't been going until last fall,,
New program and Points,,Luv it!! its great!!
The best thing is we can eat everything in the
right amount!!

I feel great that is the most important thing!! RIGHT!!
Getting ready for Christmas,,
We have become the UnChristmasy type of people
Only because we have no one but the kids to celebrate with!! and they aren't big Christmas people either,,
They want presents but aren't the present buying type,, so what do ya do??
make a regular meal and exchange presents,,,
On another note,,,
My aches and pains are back and apparently to stay!!
My right shoulder has been bothering me for a while
Called the Physiotherapist and got a FROZEN SHOULDER diagnosis,,,
along with my Fibromyalgia,,
OUCH!! Not fun!
And that will take about a year before it goes away!!
Pain in the arse to be truthful!
But as stubborn as I am...
I never give up!!
Going in to work tonight and work 2 nights in a row,, them I'm off sunday,,
going to a Christmas fair out at Eriksberg
Its a very nice place,, a world of wildlife and the realworld,,
Just push the translation flagg!!
I'm off to do bigger and better things HAHA!!
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