torsdag 30 september 2010



I'm pretty good,, the sun is really trying to show itself this mornin!!!

I've been awake since 4;30...

Heard someones alarm go off!!


He never hears it!!!


So I was upp with the chickens

I really could go back to bed,,,,

But i don't wanna,,,

I might go out for a nice walk in the woods to see If I can find some


and visit the trolls!!!

This weekend Hubby and son will be off hunting!!

OH YA gotta tell ya this,,

we have a wildpig in the neighborhood!!

He's walking around peoples years eating apples that have fallen off

the trees!!

Someone hit a pig up on the highway the otherday,,,

they think its one of the yearlings!!!

We'll see what happens!!!

Hope ya'll have a good day!!! and Weekend!!!


I'll be back!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Good morning hun,
    I hope you will have a great weekend.
    I hate when the don't go up and turn off their alarm... *grrr*
    I'm glad that we have same time to go up in the morning so we don't disturbe each other.
    Have a great day!
    Hugs Maya

  2. Jo tack det knallar :0)
    Inte kul att bli väckt men vad gör man när skadan redan är skedd.
    Vildnasse...du vet att den är superduper god med massor av ingefära,stekt såklart ;0) Sätt gubben på grisvak i helgen vettja.
    Ha det gott.


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