My Fibromyalgia is giving me a heck of a time,,
Hard time getting into my Motorcycle jacket, if I don't take my meds first
it looks like I will be taking my meds again whether I like it or not!
and seeing I have been pretty okay Over a year now,, its time,,,,
Otherwise Life goes on!!
We had a nice ride Sunday,got home just before the thunderstorm

caught up with us!! Had enough time to ride for a couple of hrs and even had time for an icecream! Got into the garage just as it started to rain!
Hopefully the weather will get better so we can go fer a ride tomorrow
and on Thursday, tomorrows ride goes to Villa utsikten Teeny tiny caféthat is as old as the hills in Karlshamn , isn't it cute???
and Thursdays to a little cafe way out in the in the woods,,

Internet is sooo slow today,,, Looking at different sites,, the Bike clubs we belong to see what they have planned,,, There I got it goin!!
Must be the weather!
When something doesn't work rightblame it on the weather or hehe,,, men.(love em to death)
Its dark and pouring rain!! Good thing cuz hubby put Grass fertilizer down last night when it was sprinkling, so it will get nice and thick and greeeeen!!!
I should go out and put some on my geraniums!!
They haven't started to grow yet,,it still is pretty chilly out at night,,,
So i'll be on my way!!!!
HUGS!!! And LUV of course!!!
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