fredag 12 november 2010

OK!! Lets see...

Plans of the day!!!??? Well its been raining most of the day,, but I did take Molly out for a quick walk!!!! I was freezing when i got home so,,, I heated a bowl of potato and chorizo sausage!!


looks alittle like this but has slices of sausage in it!!!

I stink of garlic right now,, but who cares NOT ME!!!!

this afternoon I'm making a paj with skedisauce in it,,,

the groundmeat is moose meat!!!

sound weird,, its not its YUMMY!!!!

Ok spent a while fixing things on my farmville farm,,,

Thank you Maya for helping me move things around!!!

and writing my blogg on weightwatchers,,,

hmm lets see..what else,,
vacuumed a little after my walk around the block with Molly in the rain!!!

And she HATES WET Weather!!!


Well back to work!!!

Have a good day!!!

Will try and check in this weekend!!! HUGS!!!!

4 kommentarer:

  1. You are so welcome dear!
    Cya tomorrow on msn, thanx for keeping me comapny :)
    Hugs and Kisses

  2. Pajen ser riktigt god ut, blev faktiskt hungrig nu:) Du kan hälsa Molly att jag gillar INTE regn heller..
    Önskar dig och familjen en bra helg..
    Kramkalas från lilla mig;)

  3. You made me hungry,,forgot to read and looked at the pictures instead. :o/
    HAve a great saturday...*going to the kitchen for something to eat*


  4. hatar oxå detta väder!!!!!!!



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