onsdag 24 november 2010

Wednesday Nov 24...

Would have been Father In laws 89th birthday today!!!
He was a sweety!!!
Like a father to me after i got here!!!
So today after dinner,,,
I'm going down the graveyard and Lighting a
a candle for his birthday

I miss Him and Mother In law too!!!
I'll never forget when i met them for the first time,,,,
Cute story.,,,
I walk in the door to Hubbys Parents home and
his mother walks up to me and gives me a BEARHUG!!
I thought cool I can hug dad too,,,
I walk up to him and hug him and he stiffens up...
hugs me back quickly and walks into the tv room,,,
I look at hubby and ask if he was mad ..
he says no ,,
He just not used to it!!!
then after that,,,,
everytime we saw eachother
we gave eachother a hug,,,

Miss them now!!!
goin upstairs to fix a snack and light a candle
and think of him and "mum" they were great people!!


I'm very homesick and miss all the yummy food!!!

2 kommentarer:

  1. What a sweet story!
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you too!!!
    We have all a lot to be tankfull for!
    Love yá ... talk to you later! ♥

  2. Vilket härligt möte med dina svärföräldrar.. förstår att det är ett härligt minne du har från dom.. Saknaden efter sina nära och kära tar aldrig slut men man får bevara dom fina minnena dom gett oss..
    Ha en riktigt fin dag kära vän.. Kramis ♥


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