torsdag 22 december 2011

Things have happened since the last time,,,,


Since I last wrote,,,
I have had a car accident and must the car up,,,
and got myself some Bruises
(which are almost gone now!!)
I'm fine,,
I was on my way home from work and
it was a bit slippery and when the back
of a Volvowagon starts sliding around there is

Like I said I am fine,
 abit shaken but Not Broken in anyway!!
Just waiting for the Insurance company to finish
and Pay out so we can start thinking about a new Car!
A Volvo probably but not as big!
No need for it now,, we'll see what Santa brings me!!

Otherwise I am off all Christmas and new years!!

Just relaxing!!
The Best way to spend the Holidays!!!

Much love and ¨

torsdag 8 december 2011

I*M BACK for now anyway! hehe

I know its been a while!!!

Whats been going on...well A trip to the states(in Sept)
  and visiting with mom and the gang!!
Got to see a few of my old classmates too!!
That was fun!! Really!!
Lots of good food and lots of 

Since we got back
 I have a new Schedule at work and
I do love working nights and sleeping during the day

That is the good stuff  oh ya one more thing,,,
I have been going to weight watchers for about a year,,(no hurry)
and have lost about 18 pounds(ca 10 kg)
Luv it and have been a member for what almost17 years!!
But haven't  been going until last fall,,
New program and Points,,Luv it!! its great!!
The best thing is we can eat everything in the
right amount!!
exercise fitness bodybuilding muscle weight training figure competition

exercise, fitness, fat, fat muscle, fat loss, lean, build muscle, women muscle, bodybuilding, muscle, weight training, figure competition, figure competitor, fitness competition, fitness, weight training, women, womens fitness, womens figure competition, womens exercise, fitness journal, diet, competition diet, competition training, exercise, fitness, bodybuilding, muscle, weight training, figure competition, exercise, fitness, bodybuilding, muscle, weight training, figure competition, figure competitor, fitness competition, fitness, weight training, women, womens fitness, womens figure competition, womens exercise, fitness journal, diet, competition diet, competition training, exercise, fitness, bodybuilding, muscle, weight training, figure competition

I feel great that is the most important thing!! RIGHT!!

Getting ready for Christmas,,
We have become the UnChristmasy type of people
Only because we have no one but the kids to celebrate with!! and they aren't big Christmas people either,,
They want presents but aren't the present buying type,, so what do ya do??
make a regular meal and exchange presents,,,

On another note,,,

My aches and pains are back and apparently to stay!!
My right shoulder has been bothering me for a while
Called the Physiotherapist and got a FROZEN SHOULDER diagnosis,,, 
along with my Fibromyalgia,,
OUCH!! Not fun!
And that will take about a year before it goes away!!
Pain in the arse to be truthful!
But as stubborn as I am...
I never give up!!

Going in to work tonight  and work 2 nights in a row,, them I'm off sunday,,
going to a Christmas fair out at Eriksberg 
Its a very nice place,, a world of wildlife and the realworld,,
 Just push the translation flagg!!

I'm off to do bigger and better things HAHA!!

måndag 8 augusti 2011


Here they come!! Pictures that I promised ages ago!!
Took me a while things down loaded sooo slow!!! GRRR!!!

                                   Lars-tomta bed and breakfast
                                                    in Värmland
                                       ( way up north in Sweden)

Me at the first little rental,, Lousy but liveable for one night

                                                         Trollveggen in the fog!!
                                                                   Better living!!
                                                              Behind the cottage
                                                       The mountains around us!!
                                                                    Pretty huh???
                                                     Way down below is a fjord!!
 My troll buddy

                                         Picking a troll nose on a rainy day
                                             ( my birthday)!! hehe
These are just a few,, have quite a few only about 119!!
Not in any real order but you get the point!!


onsdag 27 juli 2011


OKAY I Know you are all waiting for pictures from Norway!! 
 I'm getting there,,
 gotta get all the pictures sorted and set and we'll be fine!!
Only have about 150 pictures to choose from!!!

Beautiful pictures and a couple of videos taken from the bike ridin along the curvy roads!!
The mountains and the hills are amazing,, undescribable to tell ya the truth!!
Alot of the roads are like this one!!

Just wanted to let ya know we are alive and doing well besides cleaning out closets and throwing alot of stuff away!!
6 Huge garbage bags went to the dumpster today and I have to get on the ball and start cleaning the sauna room out!! I seem to have alot of stuff that need cleaning and sorting!!
Old dishes and blankets and stuff that someone may need??

Well thats all for now!! Will be in touch,,
Going back to work in Friday night
work my 9 nights and a few days off and then we are off the THE US OF A!!


tisdag 5 juli 2011

Been a long time I KNOW!!

I just haven't had the umph to write anything!!
We have been out riding some,,
 and making plans for our vacation and our trip this fall too!!!

  This is a gathering we were at last week!!
Summer came all at once and we have had some HOT days and
some rain too,,
Got worried last week when we got news that there were floods in Norway,,
the winter snows were melting and it was raining and there was nowhere for it to go,,,
so it looks like we have to take another route,,,
we have booked rooms for the 6 of us at the border.

Hubby and I went to Eriksberg wildlife park the other day,, we didn't see alot of animals but i did get to see my favorite,,,

 Cousin Bison,,, the European Bison
Handsome Huh??

and the beautiful lily pads

and the wee Lil wild bores!!

So now ya know we are alive here and ther will be further reports!!!
and pictures from Norway I promise!!

Big hugs!!

I have received some help from a friend, Maya to update my page with some tabs and other fun stuff! So please look around!

What is new is About me, and recipes!

tisdag 17 maj 2011

Wednesday already???

Well the rain decided to go away for today anyway!!

The sun is shining!!!

For now anyway!!

No promises!!

Plan for today is taking dotter to doctor and food shopping,,,

and then home and do some gardening!


Have this one flower bed that is beautiful but there are som many flowers that have now flowers left and need to be cleaned out to make room for others!!!

Besides the weeds!!!

Dinner is to be made and maybe a ride on the Harley for a couple of hrs tonight,,

Some of us in the gang are going for a ride today and then go to that little cafe i told ya about yesterday!
for a nice cup of coffee and a munchy!!


Coffee yes but i have my own munchy!!

Så I think I'll make skedi and meatballs for dinner and that will be all set

when its time to eat!

will make this short,,

Hope to see a good friend and her family there tonight!!

Hope the weather is ok!!


its getting cloudy now,,,GRRRR

HUGS to all!!!

Have a good one!!


To even think I still have almost a week left to stay at home and rest!!!

Hate to say it but my arms are killing me again!!
My Fibromyalgia is giving me a heck of a time,,

Hard time getting into my Motorcycle jacket, if I don't take my meds first


it looks like I will be taking my meds again whether I like it or not!

and seeing I have been pretty okay Over a year now,, its time,,,,

Otherwise Life goes on!!

We had a nice ride Sunday,got home just before the thunderstorm

(not us)

caught up with us!! Had enough time to ride for a couple of hrs and even had time for an icecream! Got into the garage just as it started to rain!

Hopefully the weather will get better so we can go fer a ride tomorrow

and on Thursday, tomorrows ride goes to Villa utsikten Teeny tiny caféthat is as old as the hills in Karlshamn , isn't it cute???
and Thursdays to a little cafe way out in the in the woods,,

called the Wild marks cafe!

Internet is sooo slow today,,, Looking at different sites,, the Bike clubs we belong to see what they have planned,,, There I got it goin!!

Must be the weather!

When something doesn't work right
blame it on the weather or hehe,,, men.(love em to death)

Its dark and pouring rain!! Good thing cuz hubby put Grass fertilizer down last night when it was sprinkling, so it will get nice and thick and greeeeen!!!

I should go out and put some on my geraniums!!

They haven't started to grow yet,,it still is pretty chilly out at night,,,

So i'll be on my way!!!!

HUGS!!! And LUV of course!!!

söndag 15 maj 2011

the story of thunder and lightning!

I found this story on line this

morning,, after a night of Rain and thunder an lightning!!! Thunder and Lightning
Thunderstorms often occur at the end of hot, sticky summer days. At this time, warm moist air rises quickly and forms large cumulonimbus clouds. Inside these tall dark clouds, air currents create strong updraughts and water droplets and ice particles rub against each other. As they bang together like this, it causes a build-up of static electricity. Lighter, positive charges gather at the top of the cloud and heavier, negatively-charged pieces of ice and water accumulate at the base. The ground below is also positively charged. Electricity flows between the charges and the difference between them increases. When the differences get big enough, they are neutralised and electricity is released as a flash of lightning.
This can occur in two ways: within the cloud (sheet lightning)
between the cloud and the ground (fork lightning)
As the lightning strikes, it heats the air around it. Lightning bolts can heat the air to as much as five times as hot as the surface of the sun – approximately 30,000 °C (54,000 °F). This heat causes the air around to expand explosively, resulting in the loud crash called thunder.
Although the two happen together, you always see a flash of lightning before you hear the crash of thunder. Do you know why this happens? It is because light travels faster than sound.


Strikes – lightning always takes the quickest path to the ground and usually strikes tall isolated objects such as trees or tall buildings. This is why it is dangerous to shelter under trees during a storm.
Lightning fact: the Empire State building is struck by lightning approximately 8 times each year!

Each fork of lightning is actually two strikes travelling quickly up and down the same path. The first bolt (the "leader stroke") zig-zags downwards and completes the circuit between cloud and ground. This is followed a split second later by a huge surge (the "return stroke") that shoots back up the path just created.

How close is it?
You can work out approximately how far away a storm is by counting the number of seconds between seeing a flash of lightning and hearing the thunderclap. Because light travels faster than sound, the sound of the thunder will take about 2 seconds to travel 1 km. Therefore for every 2 seconds you count, the storm is 1 km away. If it is close, the thunder will sound like a loud crack, whereas if it is further away, it will sound more like a low rumble.

Thunder lore
Thunder has always been an awe-inspiring fact of nature, although it hasn’t always been as well understood as it is today:

American Indians believed that thunder and lightning was caused by the sacred thunderbird. The thunder resulted from the flapping of its wings and the lightning flashed from its beak.

The Norse god of thunder is known as Thor. He is always drawn in pictures wielding a heavy hammer. This hammer represents the "thunderbolt" that was once thought to fall from the clouds.

Make thunder. You can actually make thunder yourselves. To do this, blow up a small paper bag and then pop it. What happens? It makes a loud bang because the air inside has expanded quickly, just as it does when it is heated by lightning.

Now that we've had a look at clouds and some of the weather features they create, we can move on to another form of moisture in the air for the next section. This time it's mist and fog.

Pretty cool story huh??

I have always loved thunder and lightning,,

Used to go outside and walk when it was raining and thundering,,

Pretty cool!!!

Have a grrreat day!!!


torsdag 5 maj 2011

Thursday afternoon!!

Need I say More???

Someone close to me said

I can't understand How you can be so Positive all the time,,,

I say its cuz I have been through so much

that I have no reason to use up alot of energy

thinking about it all the time,,,

Growing up wasn't easy (big family) and moving away from family and friends

to a totally different country was certainly not easy,,,

Living with and Loving someone that has/had problems with alcohol

wasn't easy,,

but he got it finally (took him a few years)and is happy with his choice!
I had faith(not in a God or anything) that he would figure it out sometime

and I loved him that much

to stay with him and be there when he needed me!

And when i found these signs

They shouted at me!!!


Makes ya think HUH!?

Weather turned out nice today,, and we had a nice ride yesterday

A bit chilly but we made it!!

HUGS to all!!!