onsdag 22 december 2010


Here’s Wishing everyone a

Merry Christmas

and a

Happy New Year!!!!

Lots of Love,,,

from a VERY Homesick


fredag 17 december 2010


YA SOOO???? It may be Friday but I gotta Work anyway!

Tonight , tomorrow and on Sunday then a few hrs on Wednesday

and then I am off for the Holiday,,,
then work 2 nights and then off for New years!!!

Not bad HUH????? I have Worked Christmas and New years since i started!

31 years ago!!!

Well I'll tell ya,,
since I started working nights I enjoy my freetime so much more!!!
I just wish I wasn't sick,, well I'm not as sick as i was the other day,,
I just got in from shoveling snow!!!
We have gotten about 20 inches in 2 days,,,,

I'll tell ya,, I am about to regret the shoveling,,,
Ouch I am coughing my lungs out!!!
Well upstairs and take my meds and finish making the meatballs!!!
and put them in the freezer!!
Ready for Christmas dinner,,,(smörgåsbord)
ham, Jansson's temptation, meat balls, ribs,,

brownbeans and tons of sill and lax and godis,,, I could go on and on!!!

Not as big as this one as we are only 4 in the family!

Had Lutefisk and potatoes and white sauce
and green peas for dinner yesterday Yummeroooo!!!
Really it is very good!!!
well folks time to go back upstairs and finish making the meatballs!!!
have a good weekend!!!

tisdag 14 december 2010



Yesterday was Lucia day

and it reminded me of when I was Lucia for

The Vasa Lodge of America

(Swedish-American )

Thought you would enjoy seeing!!!

Way back in 1976,,,,

16 years old!!! Those were the days!!!!
Yesterday I was at the dr's and found out I have Pnemonia and
a urinarytrack infection!!
isn't one thing enough???+
Got antibiotics and all
but feel yucky still today!! should be ok tomorrow maybe!!
Or atleast feel alittle better than I do today!
My tummy hurts from coughing and the infection down below!!
I'm going back to bed!!

Hugs to all!!!!

tisdag 30 november 2010

DECEMBER 1st already!?!...

Almost the 2 advent and its only
3 weeks till Christmas!!!
hehe I am in no rush!!!
Kids get Money to buy what they want!
They are old enough to figure out what they want,,
easier with money!
Well we have a ton of snow and its cold,,,-9,9C this morning earlier,, but now its -11,3C!!
Went to Weight watchers yesterday and had lost a little more than a pound!!
I'm getting there,,,
it will probably get ruined when Christmas comes round!!


Smörgåsbord is the thing,,, but there isn't alot that i eat on it,,,
should be no problem!
I plan on losing weight instead!!
Well Folks time to check things out before
I go to work for a meeting,, BOOORING!!!
Have a good day!!! HUGS!!

onsdag 24 november 2010

HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!! I'm Homesick,,,,,,

Today is one of my favorite holdays!!!!

All the food, the gathering of family and friends

is really something I miss!!!


AND all the works,

but most of all PUNKINPIE....

MMMMM,, I miss my dads PUNKIN PIE!!

but most of all,,

I miss my family and friends!!!



Wednesday Nov 24...

Would have been Father In laws 89th birthday today!!!
He was a sweety!!!
Like a father to me after i got here!!!
So today after dinner,,,
I'm going down the graveyard and Lighting a
a candle for his birthday

I miss Him and Mother In law too!!!
I'll never forget when i met them for the first time,,,,
Cute story.,,,
I walk in the door to Hubbys Parents home and
his mother walks up to me and gives me a BEARHUG!!
I thought cool I can hug dad too,,,
I walk up to him and hug him and he stiffens up...
hugs me back quickly and walks into the tv room,,,
I look at hubby and ask if he was mad ..
he says no ,,
He just not used to it!!!
then after that,,,,
everytime we saw eachother
we gave eachother a hug,,,

Miss them now!!!
goin upstairs to fix a snack and light a candle
and think of him and "mum" they were great people!!


I'm very homesick and miss all the yummy food!!!

söndag 14 november 2010

Monday ... weekend went by fast,,,,,

Boy did this weekend zip by like crazy!!!!

It was fathers day yesterday Over this side of the puddle,,,,
we had an early dinner
I made a yummy supper and ice cream after,,,,and then later on,,,

I made shrimp sandwiches,,,,

and then we had cake with coffee ,,, talk about a happy trooper!!!

and then after Hunting all AM and the yummy dinner and all,,

he was pooped out...

we went down to watch some tv,,,

saw a Miss Marple movie,,,,

It was a good one,, hadn't seen it before,,,

I Love Agatha Christies mysteries!!!

Well Folks have a good day!!!!


fredag 12 november 2010

OK!! Lets see...

Plans of the day!!!??? Well its been raining most of the day,, but I did take Molly out for a quick walk!!!! I was freezing when i got home so,,, I heated a bowl of potato and chorizo sausage!!


looks alittle like this but has slices of sausage in it!!!

I stink of garlic right now,, but who cares NOT ME!!!!

this afternoon I'm making a paj with skedisauce in it,,,

the groundmeat is moose meat!!!

sound weird,, its not its YUMMY!!!!

Ok spent a while fixing things on my farmville farm,,,

Thank you Maya for helping me move things around!!!

and writing my blogg on weightwatchers,,,

hmm lets see..what else,,
vacuumed a little after my walk around the block with Molly in the rain!!!

And she HATES WET Weather!!!


Well back to work!!!

Have a good day!!!

Will try and check in this weekend!!! HUGS!!!!

tisdag 9 november 2010

Tuesday,,, weigh in day!!!

Said and done!!!

7lbs down and 6 or 7 to go then I'm all set!!!

Lost another pound and I

Got my first gold star,,,(feels like I am in the 1st grade)

but it peps me and Why not??

This is something I work hard on!!

Made a yummy chili today!!! One of our favorites in this family!!!

So by gosh,,, By spring and the mew Motorcycle season,,,

I'm gonna need new skins!!!

they're getting to big,,

maybe wet them and shrink them??? haha!!!

Well folks Have a Nice evening/day

and I'll be in touch!!!!

HUGS and LUV!!

måndag 8 november 2010


YUp,, monday already!!!
cant' figure out how the weekend went by so fast!!!
I guess i can say I have gotten a few things done....

Baked bread,,,

made brownies, housecleaning,wash,
gave the dog a bath,

made pizza out of tortillabread,,,,,

lets see what else??


Did some knitting on my sweater,,,
its getting there,,,,

Think I'll go for a walk before the rain decides to come along!!!

torsdag 4 november 2010

Thursday and its still raw and cold!!!!

The sun may be shining a little bit

But is not warming things up at all!!!!

Lets' see
I have done the shopping,

the bed making ,the dinner planning
and now I am about to vacuum a little upstairs and

then finish making dinner!!!

RODEER stew with Chantrells!!!


then sit down to a cup of tea with "hunny" in it,,,

always yummy!!


Just tea and maybe a cracker gotta think of what i eat!!!

Lost 9lbs
and they are staying off and have a few more to go!!!!

Some people say once a Weight Watcher always,,,,,

True,, but its nothing to be ashamed of,,,

its a way to learn to eat right!!!

I love it and they do have a TON of Great recipes!!!!
and its mostly regular food!!!!

HUGS and Love from chilly Southern Sweden!!!

onsdag 3 november 2010


BRRRR its cold and yucky outside,,,

Rainy and wet and just plain raw cold YUCK!!!
I'm sitting indoors and freezing,,,
the wind is blowing and whistling in the chimney!!!
Its dark and yucky out too!!!
I hate it!!!

Have to go to a meeting at work this afternoon as I do once a month to find out whats new,,,
NOTHING as usual!!!
Just alot of complaining about NO MONEY,,,,
They have to decide sometime WHERE THE THE MONEY IS TO GO!!
But they aren't very smart about where they put it!!!
More people on the floor taking care of the old folks and not into the politics !!!
We get more and more paper work and no time to do the job we are hired to do,,
no wonder the old folks families aren't satisfied!!!
Noone seems to listen either!

Then a work night and then a few days off then monday night,,,,
then off 8 days!!! YAY!!!
I do enjoy me days off,, just relax
and do what I want to in between the need to dos!!

Well folks goin upstairs to light a few tealights and have a cup of tea with Hunny
in it as Pooh bear
would like it!!!

and maybe knit a few rows on my sweater!!!
Have a good one LUV AND HUGS!!!!

måndag 1 november 2010


Thought maybe I would check out and see if any one
made a comment on my Halloween blog,,,
Oh well!!!
I did see that there are a few that pushed the like button on facebook.

Well I called mom yesterday and had a nice chat...
I maybe far away but,,
I do feel alittle bad about being this far away and
knowing that she needs help!!!

I know lil brother does all he can and one of the older ones works his arse off
all the time yo make ends meet,,, I appreciate it BELIEVE ME!!!!
but they are several
that live closer and in the same town! and do NOTHING!!!!
they only come to visit when they want something!
and a "sister" that lives at home,, ya sure she works,,,,
but does absolutly NUTHIN to help!!!
Drives me nuts!!!
Nothing I can do
about it,

AND mom isn't getting any younger
and hasn't the best of health,,,
so It's sort of expected that they do what they can to help her in any way!!!
Enough complaining!!!
I have promised to try to call her more often,,,,
we talked about 25 minutes and talked about Halloween
and the new puppy in the family,,,

JASPER!! Adorable!!

Liam lost his Best buddy Jake this year( he had cancer) and has missed him something awful!! He was one smart dog!!!

He was a coool dog!!
just wait till ya see jasper,, cute as a button!!!

Have a good day!!! I'm gonna try!!!!
